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Buletin Senggara Fasilit Jalan Buletin June 2014PSKLM International Expressway
Conference & Exhibition 2015.

May 25-27, 2015 at MATRADE Exhibition & Convention Centre, Kuala Lumpur.

Visit us at Booth No.S01 & S02.

Buletin Senggara Fasilit Jalan Buletin June 20149th Malaysian Road Conference 2014
Invention & Innovation Exhibition.

November 10-12, 2014 at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre (SPCC).

REAAA Conference 2013
The 14th Road Engineering Association of Asia & Australasia (REAAA) Conference 2013
The 14th REAAA Conference 2013 held on 26 - 28 March 2013 at Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre with the theme "The Road Factor in Economic Transformation".